CC Patient Encounter- Case for Carolyn Cross

CC Patient Encounter: Integrating Assessment and Education

Step 1: Completing i-Human Patients® Case for Carolyn Cross

In this initial step, engage with the i-Human Patients® platform to conduct a thorough patient encounter with Carolyn Cross (CC). Employ the platform’s Cases tab to interview CC, record her complete patient history, perform a health assessment, and execute a focused physical examination based on current evidence. Document your findings within i-Human Patients® and craft a comprehensive problem list for CC. It is crucial to aim for a cumulative 70% score across i-Human Patients® assessments in weeks 1, 3, and 5 to fulfill the lab requirements of the course.

CC Patient Encounter- Case for Carolyn Cross

Step 2: Interpreting the Data

Following the assessment, interpret the gathered data to identify the necessary tests for CC, considering her history, examination results, and problem list. Evaluate the test results to discern actual and potential diseases for which CC may be at risk. Construct a 350-word summary note elucidating the rationale behind CC’s problem list. Include relevant assessment results, citing specific lab findings that align with the assessment results. Subsequently, submit the summary, evidence-based assessment guidance, and interview documentation through the Assignment Files tab.

CC Pathophysiology and Education Priorities

Transitioning to the next phase, construct a concept map illustrating the pathophysiology of breast cancer in CC. Consider elements such as predisposing factors, precipitating factors, cellular involvement, and genetic changes. Utilize web-based concept map builders or standard Microsoft® tools for this task. Accompany the concept map with a 175-word summary, identifying CC’s three patient education priorities based on the assessment results. Ensure the inclusion of a minimum of two APA-formatted references in the reference page. The Assignment Files tab is the designated avenue for submitting both the concept map and summary.

Assessment Review and Grade Calculation

Review the instructions and additional notes for the CC Patient Encounter provided on the main page to progress to the subsequent section efficiently. The assigned points for the i-Human Patients® case do not consider the i-Human grade. Calculate the percentage for each section, bearing in mind that the viewable percentage is 50% history and 50% physical. The grading encompasses multiple sections, and improvements in subsequent sections offer opportunities to enhance the overall percentage. Acknowledge the program’s challenges, appreciate dedication, and leverage opportunities to refine performance in upcoming sections.

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What is a CC Patient Encounter?

A “CC” encounter likely refers to a “Chief Complaint” encounter, where a healthcare professional gathers information about a patient’s primary concern. “Carolyn Cross” suggests this might be a case study where you’ll analyze information about Carolyn’s health.

What can I learn from the CC Patient Encounter Case?

This case could involve interviewing a simulated Carolyn or analyzing her medical history. You’ll likely practice skills like:
Gathering patient history.
Identifying presenting complaints.
Performing a focused physical exam (depending on the case format).
Developing a differential diagnosis list.
Formulating a working diagnosis.
Creating a treatment plan (depending on the case format).

How does this prepare me for iHuman Cases?

The CC encounter lays the groundwork for iHuman cases by focusing on core clinical skills. While you won’t have a direct patient interview in an iHuman case, you’ll use similar skills to analyze the provided data and make clinical judgments.

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