NURS 6560 – Assessing, Diagnosing, and Treating Pre- and Post-Operative Care Patients Essay Assignment Paper

NURS 6560 – Assessing, Diagnosing, and Treating Pre- and Post-Operative Care Patients Essay Assignment Paper Help

NURS 6560, where we investigate into the intricacies of pre- and post-operative care, equipping advanced practice nurses with the skills needed to provide exemplary patient care in perioperative settings. As Pamela Lynn aptly states, surgical interventions encompass a broad spectrum, requiring tailored care approaches for optimal patient outcomes. In this course, we explore the multifaceted nature of surgical care, addressing the diverse needs of patients undergoing various procedures. From stabilization and preparation to recovery and beyond, our goal is to enhance your proficiency in managing pre- and post-operative patients with utmost competence and compassion.

Challenges and Opportunities

Navigating the complexities of clinical practice in perioperative care presents both challenges and opportunities for advanced practice nurses. Throughout this course, we confront these hurdles head-on, fostering a deep understanding of the limitations and complexities inherent in surgical settings. By reflecting on personal experiences and learning from shared insights, students gain invaluable insights into overcoming obstacles and delivering exceptional care.

Key Learning Objectives: By the conclusion of this course, participants will:

  1. Analyze limitations and challenges of clinical practice in perioperative care settings.
  2. Evaluate pre- and post-operative patients with a comprehensive approach, considering diverse needs and complexities.
  3. Develop accurate differential diagnoses and treatment plans tailored to individual patient presentations.
  4. Demonstrate proficiency in navigating i-Human Patients simulations, honing clinical decision-making skills in realistic scenarios.
  5. Foster a patient-centered approach to care, prioritizing safety, efficacy, and holistic well-being.

Engaging Learning Resources

Our curriculum integrates a blend of essential readings, multimedia resources, and interactive case studies to enrich your learning experience. From exploring advanced nursing procedures to delving into current surgical diagnosis and treatment protocols, you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of pre- and post-operative care practices. Additionally, our partnership with i-Human Patients provides hands-on simulation opportunities, allowing you to apply theoretical knowledge in practical scenarios and refine critical thinking skills in real-time.

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By Day 3, share a detailed account of a limitation or challenge encountered during your clinical experience this week. Describe how you successfully navigated this obstacle and discuss how this experience may shape your future practice in pre- and post-operative care settings. Remember to use pseudonyms or other false forms of identification when referring to patients to ensure their privacy and protection.

Upon reading your colleagues’ responses, provide thoughtful feedback and alternative perspectives to enrich the discussion.

Discussion Part II focuses on pharmacology.

To prepare, familiarize yourself with articles on commonly prescribed medications and select one medication group or specific drug within it for discussion. Concentrate on the hospital or ICU setting and intravenous (IV) usage. Choose a topic that has not yet been discussed or, if all topics have been covered, select a different drug within the medication group.

Share insights into the scenario, indications, dosing, complications, outcomes, and whether you would have ordered the same drug and dose. Alternatively, conduct an evidence-based drug search to identify potential issues, such as drug interactions or black box warnings, and discuss patient suitability for the medication. You can also explore the properties of the drug, including usage and dosing in the hospital or ICU, and provide examples of patients for whom you would prescribe this medication. Support your pharmacological rationale with evidence from reputable sources.

Remember to post your initial response by Day 3 and engage with your peers’ posts by Day 6 to fulfill participation requirements.

For the Assignment, you will assess, diagnose, and treat pre- and post-operative care patients using the i-Human Patients simulation platform. Review this week’s Learning Resources, including articles and the i-Human Patients Case Player Student Manual, to prepare for the assigned case study. Consider the patient’s health history, appropriate physical exams, and diagnostic tests necessary to inform your diagnosis. Identify potential conditions for a differential diagnosis and develop comprehensive treatment plans, including health promotion and patient education strategies. Be sure to refer to the i-Human Patients Case Player Student Manual for guidance on interacting with the simulation.

The Assignment is due by Day 7. Please refer to the grading rubric for evaluation criteria.

Week 2 i-Human Rubric

Week in Review

This week you analyzed the unique set of limitations and challenges when providing safe and effective care in perioperative environments for pre-and-post operative patients. You also developed differential diagnoses and treatment plans for these patients. NURS 6560 – Assessing, Diagnosing, and Treating Pre- and Post-Operative Care Patients Essay Assignment Paper

Next week you will explore the assessment and care of pre- and post-operative patients with conditions specifically related to the head, neck, esophagus, and diaphragm, and examine strategies for assessment, diagnosis, and treatment.

NURS 6560 – Assessing, Diagnosing, and Treating Pre- and Post-Operative Care Patients Essay Assignment Paper


HPI StatementPoorly written HPI statement, incomplete ideas and sentences, lacks basic history taking skills.Well-written HPI statement but may be missing 1-2 key components from the history.Clearly written HPI statement with comprehensive information gathering from case questions.
Objective Testing and Physical ExamPoorly written physical examination, missing 3 or more key exam findings critical to the patient’s diagnosis, includes 3 or more inappropriate exams or tests.Well-written physical examination, may be missing 1-2 key exam findings critical to the patient’s diagnosis, may include 1-2 unnecessary exams or tests.Clearly written physical examination covering all critical components of a focus exam, appropriate tests ordered are cost-effective.
AssessmentDifferential diagnosis list too brief and inconclusive, missing 3 or more critical components, priority list may be out of order, primary diagnosis may be wrong.Well-written differential diagnoses, may be missing 1-2 critical components, correct primary diagnosis identified.Clearly written differential diagnoses, primary diagnosis identified.
Plan for PatientPoorly written plan, missing 3 or more key issues critical to the patient’s diagnosis.Well-written plan, may be missing 1-2 key issues critical to the patient’s diagnosis.Clearly written plan covering all critical components for the patient’s final diagnosis.
Clinical QuestionsCorrectly answered 0-69% of the clinical questions.Correctly answered 70-89% of the clinical questions.Correctly answered 90-100% of the clinical questions.
Main Posting– Thoroughly responds to the discussion question(s), reflective with critical analysis and synthesis, supported by at least 3 current, credible sources.– Responds to the discussion question(s), reflective with critical analysis and synthesis, supported by at least 3 credible references, with 75% of the post having exceptional depth and breadth.– Responds to most of the discussion question(s), somewhat reflective with critical analysis and synthesis, supported by at least 3 credible references, with 50% of the post having exceptional depth and breadth.
Writing (for Main Posting)– Written clearly and concisely, contains no grammatical or spelling errors, fully adheres to current APA manual writing rules and style.– Written clearly and concisely, may contain one or no grammatical or spelling error, adheres to current APA manual writing rules and style.– Written concisely, may contain one to two grammatical or spelling errors, adheres to current APA manual writing rules and style.
Timely and Full ParticipationMeets requirements for timely and full participation, posts main discussion by the due date.Meets requirements for timely and full participation, posts to colleague’s main post by the due date.Meets requirements for timely and full participation, posts to colleague’s main post by the due date.

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